Sunday 17 May 2009

Learn to Fucking Punctuate!

I am marking exam papers and they have driven me to alcohol. You are having your final degree marked by someone under the influence of drink. And it serves you fucking well right.

Why? Because I can't read your fucking essays if you don't have the courtesy to show me how to breathe through them.

I'm just wondering whether, if I create a blog that shows how you little toe-rags drive me crazy, any single one of you might hit on it, sit up, take notice and stop doing what you are doing.

The first thing you are doing is not understanding what makes a sentence.

You are SOOOOOOO ignorant.

This is presumably because your ignorant and ignoble school teachers have come up through the rubbish system equally thick and uneducated.


Every fucking sentence has them.

Here is a sentence: "Learn to fucking punctuate!" It is a form of a sentence called a command. Its subject is YOU and the predicate is the four words in it.

And stop using the library for facebook and the like, and use some of your time at UNI, as you so grossly call it, getting something between your ears.

I will blog more on this tomorrow.

And don't join two fucking sentences with a comma or you'll get a fuckin Desmond.

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